Simple CTF write-up - TryHackMe

Recently I tried to solve the Simple CTF room from and found out few interesting things.

I was able to root the box, but without using the normal SQL injection method which I discovered later by reading more about this room.

1. First step (as always :)) use NMAP to find out what is running on the box:

Ok, so the following ports are open among top 1000 ports:

Port   Service Name   Notes
21   FTP   Anonymous login allowed
80   HTTP   robots.txt
2222   SSH   Non standard ssh port

2. Login FTP using Anonymous:

As you can see there seems to be a user named - “Mitch” and the notes above indicates that user mitch have got a weak password - Time for Brute Forcing.

3. Brute force SSH for user mitch:
hydra -s 2222 -v -q -l mitch -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -e nsr -t 4 -w 5 ssh

Hydra was able to crack the password very quickly

4. Get the user flag:

SSH with user mitch and the cracked password and get the user flag:

5. Privilege escalation to get root flag:
Now to get the root flag, lets first check what is this allowed run as sudo using ‘sudo -l’

Ah, vim can be run as sudo and without password. Now use your favorite resource like gtfobin or use my notes from this post:

All done !

In my other post, I will do a write of exploiting this machine using the CVE-2019-xxxx


  1. Great instruction

  2. Brother, thank you. I was stuck on the Privesc part, I thought about giving a find / -perm 777 /dev/null>2& however it did not work, Thanks


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